Love is about passion
Love is about faith you feel to the person u love
Love is about the time u take to understand her or him
Love is about the joy u feel just being with the person
Love is about the intensity of your quarrel
Love is when everything makes u hate the person but u still want to kiss him
Love is about the gap that only the right one can fill
Love is also about the sacrifices you make to be with the person
Love is about the pain you feel when you’re separate by thoughts and behaviors
Love is that little thing you cannot explain even with a basket full of definitions
Love after all still remains that mystery created by God bringing two persons together whatever happens!
                                                                                          Xoxo fashion-heart samy!!!


  1. comme je te l'ai dis ce midi, je suis tout simplement fan de ton poème!!!kisses ma BF!

  2. Feel in love...

  3. Love is such a unique feeling =) lovely ! I think your blog is very nice, I would like to invite you to my blog, check it out and if you like it follow it ! Kisses

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  4. Oh Mon dieu tes phrases st si profondes.. surtt celle-ci ma préférée "Love is that little thing you cannot explain even with a basket full of definitions "

    THkxx for this poem

  5. Senza amore la nostra vita sarebbe triste e nera!! Una felice settimana a Te...ciao


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